Ahead of Our Time
Living with Permanent Chemo-Induced Alopecia
Ahead of Our Time

Resources - Charities & Organizations
On this page you will find various charities and organizations relevant to hair loss from chemotherapy
Hair Reborn
In the UK we have the wonderful 'Hair Reborn'. Hair Reborn is a charity offering a free hair styling service plus advice & support for anyone suffering hair loss from their chemotherapy treatment.The appointed salons are trained by us and are compassionate and understanding. They allocate a few free appointments each month to help people with cancer hair loss and volunteer their time.
Chemo Headwear
Claire spent her working life in the fashion industry and realized there was a need for nice, breathable, natural fabrics in quick & easy to put on styles in sizes XS-XL. She gives a percentage of all her sales to the worthy Macmillan cancer charity, in the UK.
Claire lost both her parents to cancer so fully understands the rigours of chemotherapy and the needs of patients when dealing with their hair loss. She has a degree in textiles and is passionate about fabrics, selecting the finest quality bamboo jersey, cashmere, silk and cotton.
HeadWrappers provide a free service to anyone experiencing hair loss as a result of cancer treatment. HeadWrappers’ aim is to provide free advice and support for clients by showing them that there are alternatives to wigs. The trained hair loss advisors show some simple but effective methods of tying scarves. Each person also receives a free 100% cotton scarf with their compliments. Advice on scalp and hair care before, during and after cancer treatment is also provided along with lots of headwear tips, scalp cooling advice and hair regrowth guidance. Contact advice@headwrappers.org to find your nearest face to face Service or register for a virtual session. Visit www.headwrappers.org where you will find lots of information. On the 1st Thursday of each month they hold a virtual session for ladies to have a chat and share hints, tips and provide support for each other and there are sometimes guest speakers.
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